If you don’t feel fulfilled or passionate about what you’re doing, you may be missing out on your life purpose. Learn how to find it.
Importance of your life purpose
Finding your life purpose can make you feel motivated, energetic, passionate, and a sense of importance. Aside from how you feel, your purpose can make a lasting impact on others.
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When you haven’t found your purpose, you may feel the complete opposite. You’ll feel directionless, unmotivated, and it can lead to isolation.
Identifying and acting on your life purpose is one of the most important steps you can take. You can make a difference and live a fulfilling life.
Your purpose can change
As you learn more about yourself and your perspective shifts, your purpose can change.
Chances are, your purpose in life won’t be one thing. Your purpose is a direction at a specific time in your life.
Another reason your purpose may change is when you find a new passion or encounter a life-changing event. The best way to continue fulfilling your purpose is to accept the changes that occur.
7 tips for finding your life purpose
There are times in your life where your purpose looks crystal clear, and there are other times where you may be struggling to understand whether or not you should continue what you’re doing.
The following 7 tips are meant to guide and lead you in the right direction. They aren’t definitive steps because finding your life purpose is a personal journey.
1. What would you want to do if time and money weren’t a factor?
When you exclude time and money, you’ll figure out what you truly want. This is a great question to ask yourself because the answer is what you’re passionate about.
Oftentimes, your purpose isn’t hard to find. There are distractions and things that are in between you and your purpose. Two of the most common things that block you from your purpose are time and money.
If time and money weren’t factors, would you spend more time volunteering? How about investing in those who are younger than you as a mentor?
It can also be as simple as spending more time with your family or being a good friend.
2. Find what energizes and drives you
There are things that you do that make you feel incredible. These things give you energy and create a drive in you.
Consider your skills and passions when you’re seeking your purpose in life. Then, think about how you can turn your passion into your purpose.
When you’re passionate and good at something, using it to benefit others is fulfilling.
3. What will make you feel accomplished?
You have dreams and aspirations. Your dreams may also be bigger than yourself. They may be scary, but you know that if you could do it, you would feel accomplished.
Your answer to this question will help you find your purpose and figure out what will lead to you feeling fulfilled.
You’re born with a meaningful purpose, all you need to do is uncover it. It’s already there, which is the best part.
4. What have you loved since childhood?
Your purpose in life can be found early in your life. Is there anything you did as a child that you still love?
Family, social pressures, and adulthood can be a reason you stop doing something you love. However, your purpose may be something you’ve loved doing since you were young but lost touch with it.
This question is helpful because it can reignite passions that you’ve had but haven’t acknowledged for quite some time. Once you figure out what you loved to do since childhood, do it again.
Try it out to see if you still enjoy it and if you do, that’s a sign that it may have a connection to your purpose.
5. Use your story
You have a story. Throughout your life, there have been times that were good and others that weren’t as great.
Instead of hiding the difficulties or overlooking obstacles, you can use your story to help others. Using your experiences to help others that are going through similar situations can result in a massive impact.
Whether you directly help many people or indirectly impact them, you’re making a difference. With that, you’ll feel a sense of purpose.
6. Give
Social psychologist Jennifer Aaker said, “Happiness was linked to being a taker rather than a giver, whereas meaningfulness went with being a giver rather than a taker.”
Generosity includes more than just money. You can be generous with your time by volunteering or sowing in others. You can also be generous with your knowledge by sharing what you know with others.
7. Save the world
There are a lot of things in this world that is messed up and negative. People, the environment, and animals are hurting.
Is there anything in this world that you are passionate about changing?
There’s a lot of horrible things in this world but there’s a positive in that. The positive is that you have the opportunity to choose something you care about and make a difference.
Finding your purpose in life can take time so don’t rush the process. It can also lead you out of your comfort zone which also results in personal growth.
As you find and live in your purpose, you’ll find that life is bigger than yourself.
By using your gifts to help others, you’ll learn that being generous is fulfilling and your purpose is about making other people’s lives better.
Featured image by Unsplash.